
Organizational Coaching  

Creating a successful, healthy organization involves addressing multiple aspects such as team dynamics, effective communication, a positive company culture, and more. Just as in a thriving ecosystem, every element plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and productivity. Are you ready to transform your organization into a thriving, harmonious ecosystem? If you’re seeking positive change, I invite you to email me at Harttohuman@gmail.com. Let’s connect for a consultation and explore how we can work together to cultivate a healthier, more successful organizational environment.

Areas of focus:

  • Work-Life Balance
  • Team Dynamics
  • Employee Wellness Programs

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Wellness Coaching for Leaders

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Performance Improvement

A virtual mental wellness hub for individuals, couples, and groups working on healing and striving.


Office Number: (954)947-1306

Services is primarily virtual, physical sessions are optional near this location

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