
The Ideal Candidate

Open to something new

You already have some strengths that you’ve used before, that for whatever reason aren’t working right now. Perhaps this problem feels overwhelming and is making it difficult to access your past strengths. In our work together, I’ll help you identify what those strengths are and how to channel and implement them into your current situation.

Looking for More

Your life has already been a spectacular roller-coaster ride, but what’s next? As your Health, Wellness, & Productivity Coach, I’ll help you hone in on what you really want, and how to make it happen.

Typical Client

We serve the people that impact the people. Most of our clients are professionals working in a range of industries from technology, finances, creativity, health care, education, and more. When it comes to health and wellness we get a very diverse clientele of people looking to improve a unique aspect of their health-related habits.

Areas of focus:

Health and Wellness

  • Accountability, encouragement, and unconditional support
  • Increase energy and motivation
  • Lose or Gain weight
  • Learn better stress-management techniques
  • Prioritize self-care
  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise more
  • Improve relationship with themselves and others
  • Improve work-life balance
  • Increase optimism


  • Goal setting and planning
  • Help others optimize their strengths and talents
  • Creating personal systems and processes
  • Task management
  • Getting Unstuck – strategies to mitigate procrastination
  • Time planning
  • Leveraging technology
  • Delegation and accountability
  • Decision making
  •  Leveraging your team’s productivity types

I provide coaching services to a diverse clientele covering a variety of topics including; but not limited to well-being, stress-resiliency, behavioral change, getting unstuck, career transition & development, work environment, creativity, focus, fulfillment, and peak performance.

Ready? Here’s How It Works

Step 01

Schedule Your 15-Minute Discovery Call

To get started, you’ll schedule your Discovery call with Hart. We’ll get to know each other better and we’ll dig deep into your current goals in the realm of Health, Wellness, & Productivity. We’ll discuss your envisioned future of what will be different when you achieve that goal and curate a personalized coaching plan just for you.

Step 02

Purchase Your Individual or Package Coaching Sessions

If we are a good fit for each other, we’ll send you an invitation to purchase an individual or package agreement according to which one is better tailored to the goal you will be working on. Once purchased you’ll receive any homework or tools you need to get prepared. We’ll also give you a chance to add on text message accountability coaching in between sessions. For package deals, you can reserve a certain time window for the remainder of the package or save sessions for when you find the most useful. These details will be discussed prior to the agreement.

Step 03

You Get Out What You Put In

Before your coaching call, you’ll likely receive personalized homework assignments. These will be critical to make sure your coaching session goes smoothly. The most important realizations, actualize their value when you take the necessary actions outside of the sessions. Everything I ask you to do has a reason behind it. Don’t rush or skip this part.

Step 04

Show Up To Your Coaching Call

When you are ready schedule your coaching call. During that call, we’ll coach you for the agreed amount of time. We’ll work deeply on the tasks developed during your discovery call and go through your homework. This call is personalized just for you. Your job will be to show up ready to get to work and to implement any additional strategies after the call.

These are reported Benefits of Wellness Coaching

Gibbs, T., & Larcus, J. (2015). Wellness coaching: Helping students thrive. Journal of Student Affairs, 24(23), 23-34. (Similar results were found in executive coaching and organizational training)

Increase in knowledge, skills, and awareness of personal wellness
Increase incapacity to set and achieve goals
Increase in ability to utilize their personal strengths
Increased ability to maintain a positive perspective
Increased Productivity
Indicated that one earned more in a particular job or business

Through collaborative sessions, you will increase your awareness, reduce stress, and redesign systems that allow you to create more sustainable levels of success.

“It is always understood that failure is a possibility, that should not prevent us from creating the future that we want for ourselves. Goals do not provide guarantees; rather they suggest possibilities sustainable through human effort.”

I use a solution-focused approach during our sessions:

SFC is a coaching technique that emphasizes the client’s current and future circumstances.

Counter Finding

Counters are the resources that are already present.

Future Perfect

How the individual would like the situation to be.


Measure and track indivuals progess toward the goal.

Exception Questions

The time when the problem is happening to a lesser degree.


Provide feeback on what heard on the session.

7 Steps of Solution-Focused Coaching

I take a solution-focused approach to guide you in achieving goals you have set in relation to your health, wellness, productivity, and future self.

1. Pinpoint strengths, resources, and ways you can utilize them to get closer to your goals

2. Through conversation, I’ll help you shine a light on your positive moments & overlooked growth

3. Ask probing questions that help you see beyond your current roadblocks

4. Track progress towards goals

5. Affirm – Provide feedback on what was heard during the session

6. Reflect & Repeat

7. Until you’re happy with your growth and/or achieved your goal. 

Health, Wellness, and Productivity Coaching

Society, media, and communities that we live in have normalized a set idea of what one’s journey of health and wellness should look like. When our relationship with health and wellness is very personal, therefore, we all have a different baseline for health. I hope that we can relieve some of these social pressures and design a way of living that is compatible with where you are now and one that can bring you closer to where and who you want to be.

A virtual mental wellness hub for individuals, couples, and groups working on healing and striving.


Office Number: (954)947-1306

Services is primarily virtual, physical sessions are optional near this location

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