
Our Story

Hart to Human is a healing hub for all individuals, with a culturally sensitive focus that acknowledges the unique experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as others who seek healthier mental states, relationships, and lifestyles. We provide care and insight tailored to meet diverse needs, ensuring an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.

We are driven by a deep commitment to see our communities thrive with healthier ways of processing emotions, communicating with one another, and creating loving and lasting relationships.

Fostering healthy relationships is fundamental to long-term mental well-being and a meaningful life. These strong connections empower us personally and amplify our capacity for positive impact in sectors like business, education, healthcare, art, entertainment, and social reform. Becoming our authentic selves, nurtured through the support of healthy connections and therapeutic insights, enhances our ability to contribute meaningfully to the broader community fabric.

Since childhood, Hart observed family dynamics, noting patterns in diverse cultures, including his Jamaican heritage. Intrigued by the impact of history, social constructs, and systemic structures on our lives, he aimed to understand and alleviate pain, foster closeness, and build trust.

Motivated to find healthier conflict resolution and create stable relationships, Hart is committed to lifelong learning and collaborates with clients to explore their unique challenges.

Therapeutic Approach

Hart adopts an evidence-based approach, integrating Narrative Therapy, Emotional Focused Therapy, and Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Nation Influenced by holistic health and insights from Black psychology.

Why we do it

We’re driven by a vision: a world where you live a fulfilling life, embracing self-love, healthy relationships, and meaningful work. We propel you forward, enhancing your romantic, familial, and career connections. Our collaborative approach fosters growth and authenticity, extending lessons well beyond our sessions. Start your journey—book a session today.

Who we do it for

For our community’s well-being. For those seeking deeper connections and healthier relationships. For high achievers facing big goals and tough roadblocks. And for those navigating pain, loss, and life’s uncertainties. These transformative ripples touch not only our clients but extend outward, shaping stronger foundations for future generations.

“Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice, and it takes love.”

Meet the Founder

Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Kyle Hart, your second-generation Jamaican therapist and founder of Hart to Human. In my journey, I’ve traversed the realms of Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Factors, earning a B.S. that laid the foundation for my unique approach to therapy and wellness.

I often liken therapy and wellness to the sun and the moon—two celestial entities, each playing an indispensable role in leading a fulfilling life. My goal is to seamlessly merge these aspects, drawing from a wealth of life experiences, interests, and research skills.

Growing up in the vibrant tapestry of Jamaican and Caribbean culture, wellness was always intricately woven into my daily life. However, it took on a new significance when I faced life-threatening health challenges. This pivotal moment prompted me to embrace a lifestyle of self-care, leading me to craft a personal wellness routine that not only reduced stress but transformed my overall well-being.

This journey marked the genesis of my profound interest in fortifying the links between health, wellness, therapy, and unlocking our human potential. Today, I am deeply committed to helping others embark on their own transformative paths.

Now, while I could share more about my journey, I’m eager to turn the spotlight onto you. Whether you’ve been to therapy before or are considering it for the first time, I understand that the decision to explore your life openly with another takes courage. If you choose to collaborate with me, know that it would be an honor.

I look forward to the opportunity of connecting with you soon and being a partner on your journey to wellness.

Warm regards,


A couple of personal shares!

  • I’m a plant-based foodie who finds joy in exploring the world of plant-based cuisine. Mindful eating and meditation are my daily wellness practices.

  • Yes, even therapists seek support! I value therapy as a transformative experience that enhances both my personal and professional growth.

  • I love music and learning new things. I’m either juggling music, podcasts, or audiobooks. 

    These glimpses into my life aren’t just hobbies; they shape my therapeutic approach. Excited to learn about your journey!

Don’t let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do.”

John Wooden

Are you looking for Therapy or Coaching as a …?



Friends and Family

Groups & Teams

Virtual Services:

Therapy is provided to residents of Florida.

Coaching is provided nationwide & internationally  


  • 4 + years of experience tying together behavioral therapy and Marriage and Family Therapy.
  • Provided therapy via private practice to teens, young adults, couples, and families on topics related to communication skills, conflict management, men’s issues, racial issues, major life transitions, anxiety, and depression.
  • Provided high achievers in industries such as health care and entertainment with tools to reduce chronic stress, set boundaries, improve team communication, and make helpful lifestyle changes.
  • Provided individual and group therapy for aftercare programs in communities with high violent rates and preventative prison programs. Helping teens and young adults with new coping skills, enhancing emotional intelligence, bringing clarity toward career options and community resources.
  • 4+ years of research in labs and law firms – Published a thesis on “ The Restorative Effects of Meditation Apps” .


Bachelor’s of Industrial Organizational Psychology 

Master’s of Science in Marriage & Family Therapy

A virtual mental wellness hub for individuals, couples, and groups working on healing and striving.


Office Number: (954)947-1306

Services is primarily virtual, physical sessions are optional near this location

© 2024 Hart To Human. All Rights Reserved.